
11 Julai 2024

Artificial Intelligence: Basic AI Theory


Question: What is the output of this Python code?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y = np.random.hypergeometric(ngood=5, nbad=5, nsample=6, size=100)
  • A graph with the amount of good samples drawn 100 times from random hypergeometric distribution, 5 good and 5 bad options, and 6 samples drawn
Place these events in the correct sequence.
  • Theoretical background for AI is created
  • First commercial AI system is developed
  • First Big Data AI system is developed
  • State-of-the-Art AI technology is developed
Which of the following approaches enable ethical use of AI?
  • Using encryption to secure computations
  • Utilizing control structures to prevent undesired actions
  • Federated learning approach to anonymize data


Match the qualities of overfitting and underfitting.

  • Underfitting - Connections between neurons do not form well enough - Low amount of repetitions (epochs) on data training
  • Overfitting - Large amount of repetitions (epochs) on data training - Dataset memorization - Model may perform well on training and validation data, but not on new data


Identify features of a regular software system and an AI system.

  • Regular Software - Is a deterministic system - Execution of the product poses no uncertainty - Clear technical requirements
  • Artificial Intelligence - Performs differently based on input data - Processing steps are not directly programmed by the developer


Which of these packages have databases included as a part of them?

  • TensorFlow
  • SK-Learn


Rank these fields by their presence in AI research throughout history.

  • Text Processing AI
  • Computer Vision AI
  • Communication AI
  • Big Data AI
  • AI for Robotics


Match the following AI tools with their functions.

  • Helps a machine learn from its mistakes
  • Helps a machine understand its objectives and possible dangers in its environment
  • Used to make quantifying predictions or identify objects
  • Developed based of neuron structure inside our brains and can be used for object detection, text understanding, and more

Which of the following is a way Big Data benefits Artificial Intelligence
  • Use of Big Data AI gives businesses an opportunity for competitive advantage
  • New models can be trained with larger datasets
  • Internet increases data availability and makes it more accessible


Match reliable and unreliable conditions of using AI.

  • Unreliable conditions - Fully automated marketing through AI technology - Self-driving technology during heavy snow - AI doctor with no human oversight
  • Reliable conditions - AI tested in a fully controlled laboratory environment - AI assistant used for data processing task

Which of these are key mistakes to look for in AI development?
  • AI doing its own thing
  • User corruption
  • Disconnect between AI developers and their customers
  • Racial bias

Match a particular research breakthrough with its description.
  • AlphaStar - AI agent which can play e-sports better than professionals
  • GAN - Neural networks utilized for data generation based on examples - Neural networks utilized for image generation based on examples
  • RF-Pose - Technology which allows to utilize signal strength to track object position