
24 Jun 2024

Optimizing Your Workplace Well-being



What key factors are likely to affect your wellness?

  • Finding a personal balance between your private and work lives

  • Issues in your personal life, like major life changes and financial problems

  • Work-related things like feeling isolated and uncertain about the company’s future



What are some early indications of possible wellness problems?

  • Losing motivation for completing tasks at work or at home

  • Feeling overwhelmed and lost at work

  • Feeling angry or anxious much of the time

  • Losing weight rapidly and losing your appetite



What are strategies you can use to successfully build your resilience and wellness?

  • Make and nurture human connections with others

  • Employ proactive communication with others in your life

  • Find ways to support your emotional and mental health

  • Take steps to take care of your body and physical condition



What elements most directly affect your wellness in the workplace?

  • Mental and emotional elements, like inclusion and stress
  • Physical elements, like health and safety
  • Social elements, like relationships and human connections


What are key elements of wellness in the workplace?

  • Physical health and safety

  • Positive human connections

  • Emotional safety and mindfulness



What early indicators suggest potential wellness problems?

  • Feeling sad or depressed without an obvious cause
  • Feelings of uncertainty, nervousness, or restlessness
  • Trouble concentrating on tasks at home or at work


What strategies can you employ to help build resilience and wellness at work and at home?

  • Pay attention to and take care of your physical needs

  • Pursue and work to maintain human connections

  • Communicate proactively with coworkers and family

  • Take actions that support your mental and emotional health



What are key factors that will tend to affect your wellness?

  • Personal life issues like finding affordable childcare

  • Work-related issues like workplace safety protocols and hybrid working conditions

  • Personal balance issues like finding quality time with friends and family