
29 Mac 2024

Receiving Feedback with an Open Mind



Match the examples of resisting feedback with the most effective approaches for overcoming the resistance.

Acknowledge feedback as an investment The recipient resists listening to the feedback because of other, more pressing tasks  -  The recipient rejects listening to feedback, believing it to be a waste of timeReframe and reconstruct the feedbackThe feedback is perceived as a critical, personal, or subjective attack  -  The recipient perceives the person giving them feedback as judgmentalBreak feedback downThe recipient fears change  -  The recipient fears both personal and professional change


Receiving feedback is just the starting point of the feedback process. What strategies can help you use feedback in your professional development?

  • Identify potential challenges that will impede your progress in acting on the feedback

  • Draft a development plan to identify and agree on tangible actions for making the changes

  • Choose a trusted partner or mentor to help you reflect on the feedback

  • Create a feedback loop with your feedback provider to follow up on the developmental plan


A positive feedback culture can transform your workplace. What are the specific benefits of effective feedback for team members?

  • Feedback reinforces team members' existing strengths

  • Feedback can help realign employee goals with specific business outcomes

  • Feedback can increase team members' ability to detect and remedy errors


What are the positive effects of receiving feedback?

  • It will reinforce the recipient's existing strengths

  • It will realign the recipient's goals with business outcomes

  • It will help the recipient identify past mistakes and avoid repeating them in the future


Your manager has asked you to attend a routine feedback session. What techniques can you use to help you effectively listen to the feedback?

  • Use body language, including facial expressions and posture, to show your involvement

  • Limit external distractions and give your full attention to your manager

  • Avoid interrupting, paraphrase the feedback message, and practice active listening


Even if best practices are followed, it can still be difficult to receive constructive negative feedback.


What strategies can help process negative feedback and turn it into positive?

  • Take time to evaluate and respond rather than reacting

  • Differentiate between destructive criticism and constructive negative feedback

  • Process any negative emotions you're feeling


You have received highly critical feedback from your manager. What strategies can help you process this negative feedback and turn it into a positive

  • Take the necessary time to evaluate and respond to the feedback, rather than immediately reacting to it

  • Acknowledge that you feel threatened or upset, and take time to process these negative emotions

  • Understand the difference between destructive criticism and constructive negative feedback