
21 Jun 2024

Navigating the Workplace with Emotional Intelligence



You're asked to lead a crossfunctional team tasked with researching and improving customer satisfaction.

What can you do to demonstrate your emotional intelligence when leading this team?

  • Listen to others and effectively manage relationships while making plans and setting goals

  • Show understanding and empathy as team members experience the emotions associated with change

  • Keep the team focused on interpreting problems as opportunities

  • Take care to influence with intelligence so the team doesn't feel manipulated



A colleague finds out the marketing manager will implement a different strategy to the one she suggested. She has a huge argument with him.

What can you say to her to help her deal with this conflict?

  • Suggest that maybe she's not so much angry about the decision as disappointed that the marketing manager decided not to take her suggestion



One of your coworkers is under pressure to complete a feasibility study on time. It's causing him a lot of stress.

What is the best way to counsel your coworker to help him deal with his stress?

  • Encourage him to speak to other people in the department who have worked on these studies and can give him some useful tips



Which actions illustrate the use of emotional intelligence in order to be influential?

  • Juan considers the backgrounds and personal goals of his team members when deciding how to engage them

  • Before acting, Jana takes time to think about why she feels she needs to be influential

  • Olga stops giving commands to her team and instead suggests ideas for them to consider



Which examples illustrate emotional intelligence in a team?

  • A team manages conflict and problems proactively

  • A team understands how its work will benefit the organization as a whole

  • Team members have made their team goals the focus of the work



Which situations offer opportunities to employ emotional intelligence?

  • The organization announces a plan for restructuring

  • Representatives from three different departments meet to agree on a three-year strategic plan

  • Initiatives for employees to embrace productivity improvement measures are announced

  • There's an urgent need to devise a strategic approach to deal with a public relations mishap


Employees in your department are working closely together as a team on a new product launch strategy.

Which examples show the team acting with emotional intelligence?

  • There is a strong focus on devising the best possible strategy, with everyone working toward this aim

  • There's an understanding that a successful product launch is critical to the organization's global reputation

  • Problems are addressed calmly as soon as they arise and there's effort made to anticipate potential problems



A senior manager criticizes your colleague and refuses to approve funding for one of his projects. Your colleague is very upset.

What is the best way to counsel your colleague in this conflict?

  • Empathize with your colleague and assure him that it's understandable that he's upset. Urge him to take a moment to compose himself, and then suggest this means he can focus exclusively on his other projects.



Your colleague is stressed out. She has to lay off two members of her close-knit team because of cutbacks.

What is the best way to counsel your colleague to help her deal with her stress?

  • Tell your colleague to name the cause of her stress – she feels close to her team members and doesn't want to fire them. Assure her that, while this is a stressful task, it is manageable, and offer to talk things through with her to find the best possible solution



Which examples demonstrate an effort to influence or engage in an emotionally intelligent way?

  • When assessing job performance, Rob considers each person's broader circumstances

  • Makola begins the meeting by asking her team "What if we could develop closer ties with our main clients?"

  • Maria reflects on the real reasons she's pushing for the implementation of one plan over another

  • Chad thinks about how his employees will feel about a new policy change when formulating it


Which examples show efforts to influence or engage in an emotionally intelligent way?

  • Kim uses a collaborative and cooperative management style

  • When assigning roles on a new project, Helen considers her team members' personal goals

  • Before introducing new workflow rules, Raul thinks about how his team will react to the change

  • Henry believes it's important that his employees trust him, while also respecting his authority


A team of specialists and representatives is working on a plan to overhaul the organization's IT system.

Which examples of behavior demonstrate that the team has emotional intelligence?

  • The smooth and efficient transition to the new IT system is the overriding objective of the team

  • There's recognition and respect for the importance of the task that the team has been handed

  • There's an understanding of the need to look ahead and anticipate problems wherever possible


Which situations represent opportunities to use emotional intelligence?

  • A solution must be found for the organization's rapidly declining market share

  • A department head wants her team members to agree to sales targets for the year ahead

  • Senior management needs to persuade the workforce that there are benefits to a new performance-based pay scheme

  • An announcement is made that the organization is merging with a competitor



A coworker is feeling angry after a manager changes her schedule without consulting her. She now has to work an extra evening per week.

What advice should you give her to help her deal with this conflict?

  • Tell your coworker that although the new schedule may take some time to adjust to, it will mean she'll have more time off during the day to spend with her family


One of your colleagues is feeling stressed after a meeting with a client went badly. She thinks she might even lose the client.

What advice can you give her to help her deal with her stress?

  • Tell her that before she calls the client to smooth things over, she should first take a few deep breaths to help her gain a better perspective on what went wrong at the meeting