
3 Januari 2024

Taking Effective and Professional Notes



What can you do to take effective notes and improve recall when reading?

  • Highlight only important concepts and phrases
  • Read business documents using three steps: overview, preview, and then read in full
  • Reread your notes within 24 to 48 hours
  • Read an entire paragraph before taking any notes


What are the guidelines for taking effective notes and improving recall when you read?

  • Read the introduction and conclusion, then headings and subheadings, and then the entire document
  • Reread your notes soon after taking them
  • Finish a paragraph at a time before starting to take notes
  • Note or highlight only key points


Different note-taking tools and techniques suit different conditions.

Match each tool or technique to the situation in which its use is the most appropriate.

  • You're taking notes at a business conference - You're taking notes during a structured meeting
  • Paper and pen - You're taking notes during the sessions of a conference - You're taking notes while interviewing a job applicant
  • Note-taking app - You want to be able to share your notes immediately after a meeting - Your company's policy dictates that notes must be stored electronically
  • Mind mapping - You're taking notes of product ideas generated by a group during a brainstorming session - You're tasked with recording the ideas presented during a brainstorming session

Match each step for taking productive notes in meetings to an example action.

  • You turn your phone off and pay close attention to the speaker
  • You listen for and record only the main points
  • You list tasks to be completed after the meeting


Which guidelines should you follow for taking notes in an interview?

  • Flesh out details in your notes as soon as the interview ends
  • Have questions and space for answers ready before the interview starts
  • Use an inconspicuous notebook to record key points
  • Use separate sections to note the interviewee's answers and your impressions

What are the guidelines for taking notes in an interview?

  • Add details to your notes right after the interview ends
  • Create a list of questions before the interview
  • In notes, include separate sections for recording the interviewee's answers and your impressions
  • Record the main points from the respondent's answers in an unobtrusive notebook


Which guidelines should you follow when taking minutes in meetings?

  • Include the purpose and date of the meeting
  • Don't try to write down everything that's said
  • List agreed-upon actions
  • Use a template to ensure you include all key information
  • Focus on recording issues, facts, and decisions
  • Avoid including personal opinions