
3 Januari 2024

Be Liked and Respected in the Workplace



Match the examples of techniques for thoughtful communication to the corresponding techniques.

  • Be present when listening and show empathy - A new team member is late to work due to childcare issues. You listen, focusing on what she's saying, and respond by saying, “I'm sorry you're having such a hard time.”
  • Respectfully disagree - A coworker suggests using a new tool for project management, but you've used the tool before and had no success with it. You say, “In my experience, this tool is not robust enough for our needs. Have you considered the XYZ tool?”
  • Give credit - Your team is short-staffed and team members have had to take on more work. You e-mail the department director commending your team for working so hard.


How can you deal effectively with a boss's difficult behavior?

  • Create the standing you want to have with your boss
  • Explore if there's something different going on
  • Tell your boss about new successful approaches to problems you've developed
  • Go the extra mile without being told
  • Ask other managers tell your boss how good your work is


Match examples of techniques for how to deal with a coworker's difficult behavior to the corresponding techniques.

  • Ask them for help - You ask a coworker who's been difficult in the past to train you on how to submit a purchase order
  • Listen more than you speak - You let a coworker who's been difficult in the past do the talking while she shows you how to add a vendor to the preferred vendor list
  • Take action if needed - You keep butting heads with a difficult coworker while putting together a presentation, so you inform your manager
  • Stop trying so hard - You keep butting heads with a difficult coworker while putting together a presentation, so you inform your manager


Match each example of a technique for being likable in the workplace to the corresponding technique.

  • Resist the urge to complain or gossip - When team members are grumbling over having to work late, you ask a colleague if he needs help with their project. Later, you share your frustration at working late with your partner.
  • Be kind and offer a helping hand - A coworker has spent the entire day working on an important slide presentation when his computer crashes. You say, “that's happened to me before. Let me check if your presentation is on the network drive.”
  • Never say "I don't know" or "It's not my job" - A team member is at a customer site and calls you in a panic because she can't connect to your department's network drive. You immediately connect her to your company's IT Department.
  • Ask for help from a colleague - You've arrived at a client site to deliver training, but you notice none of the training manuals have arrived. You call your department's administrative assistant and ask if he can ship the materials using an overnight carrier.
  • Call people by name - In a team meeting, you say, “Welcome aboard, Gabby!” to a new team member


Match examples of techniques for being likable without losing respect from others in the workplace to the corresponding technique.

  • Do your job and do it well - You work as a tax accountant and continually take advantage of professional development opportunities.
  • Own up to your mistakes - Upon realizing that you've mistakenly sent a meeting request to a client with the wrong date, you immediately cancel the meeting, send a corrected request, and call your client to let him know what happened.
  • Do what you say you're going to do - You've promised to share what you learned from a training class with your coworkers. When you're back in the office, you schedule a debrief to share what you learned.
  • Treat others with respect - After your assistant tracks down the laptop that you accidentally left in a hotel, you e-mail her your appreciation and copy the department manager.
  • Never be late or miss a deadline - You add your project due dates, with reminders, to your digital calendar so you'll be reminded in advance when projects are due.


What are some examples of appropriate tech-etiquette for using cell phones and social media in the workplace?

  • Using social media to bad-mouth your company is not recommended
  • Texting during a team meeting is disrespectful

Which examples demonstrate appropriate tech-etiquette for using a cell phone or social media in the workplace?

  • Uploading content to your social media site that is acceptable for your boss to see
  • Putting your cell phone away during lunch with your boss